Why Are There Two Names?
Sheri Herr was “given” The Fine Art of Feelings in 1993 as the name for an avenue through which to share the images she was receiving. A company was needed to fulfill an increasing demand for the art and to develop usable products from the arriving images. From 1993 to 2002, under this moniker, Sheri created and offered “The Little Guys” products to include the Print Collection, Sculptures Series, Special Edition Sculptures, Greeting Cards, Feeling Flash Card, Feelings Beads, Feeling Wood Blocks, and jewelry. The products were purchased by growing segments in the clinical marketplace including: hospitals, residential treatment centers, elementary through high schools, universities, youth correctional facilities and prisons, indigent care facilities, clergy and churches, physical rehabilitation centers, judges and attorneys, private practitioners and more. A Gallery Exhibit of Sheri’s Original Works was assembled to answer an increasing number of invitations to share the art across the US.
Sheri worked with multiple clinicians from varying specialties to created The Fine Art of Feelings Experiential Workshop. The workshop was accredited for presentation to professionals attending conferences for Marriage and Family Therapists, Eating Disorder Professionals, and Drug and Alcohol Counselors. The day-long workshop proved to be not only training for use of FAOF products but also a personal healing process for health care professional. Sheri also collaborated on a pilot program for corporations in which “The Little Guys” were used as a form of “Universal Language”. The Pilot Corporate Training Program was executed at an international corporation addressing communication, teamwork, and personal productivity with great success.
Due to the growing demand and a growing number of interested business experts, FAOF decreased its marketing in the winter of 2000. Together Sheri and her dedicated advisers undertook the challenge of constructing a five-year plan to grow the company from a one-woman operation to a company operating world-wide. The plan was completed for presentation in August 2001. Prior to the first scheduled presentation, Sheri received an offer of 1.5 million dollars from one of the potential investors. She and her team accepted the offer and set the closing date for Friday, September 15, 2001. The investment and the future of FAOF fell with the World Trade Center on Monday, September 11, 2001. Following the 911 tragedy, and in the instability of the markets, it was not possible to raise the the capital to launch the new company. Sheri had exhausted her personal funds supporting the company while creating the plan. By the fall of 2002, she made the difficult decision to close the company. She liquidate the remaining company products and original artworks through a one time sale and donations to treatment centers to help pay the debt she had incurred. For ten more years, she continued to receive requests for products and held hope that one day, in some way, “The Little Guys” would again be produced and in service to humanity.
This period of Sheri’s life as an artist and spiritual seeker was perhaps the most difficult and the most exhilarating. For three years following the close of her company and the loss of the wonderful connection she was making with colleagues and customers, she fell into a deep depression. After years of healing work, growth, and following her Truth, she had ended up bankrupt both financially and spiritually. She felt herself a failure and experienced a complete loss of purpose. Her saving Grace during this time was an extremely deep Faith in the healing process. It kept her working through the pain she was experiencing and seeking the lessons she needed to embrace what had happened to her, the company and the art.
Just prior to closing The Fine Art of Feelings, a Cherokee Shaman contacted Sheri saying he had become aware of her art and felt he was to help her forward on her journey. As she shared with him a long time feeling that there was some connection for her and the art in Greece, he seemed to understand why he had been “sent”. This was the first time since leaving therapy that anyone had played a role in Sheri’s personal process but the Shaman’s presence was so unexpected and powerful that her only apparent choice was to allow what was to happen. Within weeks, the Shaman (assisted by 7 other Shaman from 4 surrounding states) performed a Union Ceremony to reunite Sheri with her soul from a past lifetime, Kahlama. Synonymously, Sheri came to know that the Spirit who had guided her for many years, known to her as Purple, was one of the seven Great Spirits. During the preparation for the Union Ceremony, Sheri began communications with her old soul, Kahlama, and the seven Great Spirits. They continued to guide Sheri through her recovery from the her loss of purpose.
In fall of 2012, Sheri “heard” instruction from the Great Spirits that it was time to travel to Greece. The Union could only be completed by taking Kahlama home. Within hours, Sheri connected with the owner of a cottage by the sea on the Greek Island of Naxos. She offered Sheri a place to stay as long as needed, paying part of the rent with barter. Four months later, Sheri embarked on the journey to locate where Kahlama lived and worked as an artist during 3000-2000 BC. Many things happened in Greece that felt as unfolding miracles. Next to the Aegean Sea became the one place in the world where Sheri experienced a belonging that is deeper than any she had known and where she “hears” the Guidance on a profound level. Sheri’s final healing and needed growth took place during her first and two subsequent trips to Greece, staying three months each time. Sitting there, by the sea, the knowing of the rebirth of her life as an artist arrived.
Having received a gift of a small sculpture looking very much like one of “The Little Guys” in late 1990’s, one of her goals during her first trip to Greece was to find its manufacturer and learn its history. Her search revealed the company just as she was departing Greece however she was unable to contact anyone. A year passed before she could return but she located an email address for the company and began communications. During her second trip to Greece, Sheri met with the owners of the company and explored the possibility of them manufacturing “The Little Guys.” A first sample was made in three months time. “The Little Guys” had found their new home at Neoglyptiki in Athens, Greece.
In meditation by the sea during her 2014 stay in Greece, Sheri “received” the vision of the Eye Am Symbol and its meaning as an icon for the journey that is possible for all humans to reach self-harmony. It was as well the Symbol under which she would establish a new company.
It took a year for the factory in Greece to complete the specialized manufacturing process of “The Little Guys” sculptures. The company website was a five month labor of love with contributions from caring souls on two continents who gave generously of their time and talents to make it possible. Sheri chose to honor the history of her journey by joining the original company name with the new.
The Doorways of Eye Am Experience are open! We are here to serve the Greater Good. The Universe will surely make the decisions about where the future journey will lead. Only one thing is clear, the artist will walk willing.